
Call For Workshops and Performers 2017!!!

Queer Space! Queer Identities! Queer Politics! Queer Togetherness!
Queeristan returns in 2017 (October 19 – 22) and is looking for workshops and performances. This year we’re particularly interested in workshops that address issues around white privilege, refugees, sex work, intersectionality, self-defense, and direct action skills.

Queeristan is an autonomous DIT (do-it-together) festival crafted each year by volunteers. The Amsterdam-based festival started in 2010 as a reaction to the lack of awareness in mainstream gay and lesbian culture on issues of political and social struggles. Queeristan began as a protest against the “gay card” and the festival continues to protest against pinkwashing and its ongoing use to justify harsh immigration laws against migrants and refugees. Queeristan aims to fight racism, segregation and homonormativity.

What unites queers with other marginalized communities is that we all struggle with the compulsory laws and values imposed on us. We are all queers (in the broad sense of the word) with very different backgrounds, each of us experiencing ways of oppression differently.

Queeristan invites you to Amsterdam for a weekend of radical queer empowering politics, workshops and performance.

Proposal Guidelines
FESTIVAL DATES ARE OCTOBER 19 – 22, 2017 (of which the 19th is a POC-day)
Please submit your proposal by JULY 15 to
Email subject line should state if you are proposing a workshop, performance or visual art.
– Let us know a bit about you, how you identify and what you want to do
– Keep it short and sweet – max. 500 words
– Tell us what you need ( e.g. microphone, projector, translator etc.)
– Estimated time required
– Will you need housing? For how many and for how long?
– Any special needs (dietary and ability)?
– Optional: Include a relevant image if you have one, we love visuals

Please be aware that Queeristan is a vegan space and respects the Palestinian call for boycott of Israeli products.

We are already looking forward to reading your proposals of dissent, pleasure and resistance!